Sunday, January 23, 2011

Holy Button Batman!

Holy cow! I have a "blog button!"  What's this you ask?  Free advertising for those who chose to post it to their blogs, that's what!  I must be an HTML dummy 'cuz this threw me for a loop + at least an hour of almost banging my head against a wall.  So here it is, in all it's glory!  Ain't she a beaut! All you have to do is copy the code in the box, add a "text" widget to your sidebard, paste it and presto chango, there she'll appear! Also, in case you can't find this post again, I have niftily added the code to my side bar as well - i.e. grab it and add it to your page if you so desire! :]  Thank you faithful readers!  My next feat will be to add tabs to the top of my page- oh HTML, how I loathe our love hate relationship.


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="FRESH CUT" width="125" height="125" /></a>

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