Thursday, November 11, 2010

Marvelous & Holy

You see a painting & it's beauty - it doesn't take a brilliant man to know that a painter created it. 
You see the earth and it's intricacies of design, the perfect workings of the human body are evidence enough for the existence of an Intelligent Designer. 
Consider the human eye: it is made up of more than two million working parts - TWO MILLION!  The eye is a ball with a lense on one side that has a light sensitive retina made up of rods and cones inside the other. The lense itself has a sturdy protective covering called the cornea that sits over the iris which designed to protect the eye from excessive light. The eye contains an amazing watery substance that is replaced every four hours, tear glands that continually flush the outside clean, an eyelid that sweeps the secretions over the cornea to keep it moist, and eyelashes to protect the eye from dust. On top of that EXTRAORDINARY muscles are attached to the eyes that instantaneously move the eye and shape the lense at the same time for the function of focus.  Did this amazing piece of complex machinery come together by some mindless process & random series of accidents?  Atheists have to muster up the faith to answer, "yes" to that question. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist. [ Campell] In speaking about the human eye, Charles Darwin (world renowned proponent of Darwinism, natural selection, & evolution) says, "The eye to this day, gives me a cold shudder. To suppose that the eye [...] could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."  Even Darwin knew there had to be something, or rather, Someone greater.
It seems so simple to me to KNOW that there is a Creator.  
Another example for you: 
"You could leave the barren side of a mountain exposed to wind, rain, the forces of nature, chance and millions of years of time …and you would never get a Mt. Rushmore, let alone a living, breathing human being. Why? It takes intelligence. You need intelligent intervention. [It took 400 intelligent workers fourteen years (1927-1941) to carve those four faces. And George and Abe just stare at you. They don’t talk. They don’t smile. They don’t do anything. How much more intelligence would it take to create a living breathing human being? Good question.] As Dr. Norman Geisler points out, it would take great intelligence to create a robot that operates like a human, and it would take even greater intelligence to create a real human being. No one alive today would believe that the faces of Mt. Rushmore came about by millions of years of... erosion, wind, rain and undirected random acts. And yet atheists believe that real-life human beings with… 206 bones, 640 muscles and hearts that beat over 100,000 times a day…are the product of a mindless, random series of accidents. This is foolish." (Charlie Campell)
And even greater truth, this one is my favorite, that this Creator - that created the vast mountains & fields & oceans & everything in them - this Creator created ME in His image.  I bear the image of Christ!  Christian, how encouraging to us!  He could have made the beautiful mountains or the deep oceans in His image, but he chose to make US like Him. I simply cannot contain such amazing news.  I am in complete awe of my God's love for me. "Oh love of God how rich and pure, shall forevermore endure.  How measureless and strong, the saints and angels song we sing, HOLY HOLY!"
How can you not believe, I ask you?  Or rather, how can you believe & keep the news to yourself?  We only have one job, and that is to go forth and make disciples of ALL nations!  Whether that be leaving the comfort of our own homes to tell others, telling our neighbors while checking the mailbox, or moving to a third world country, spread the Good News!  Jesus, perfect and without sin, came to this earth and took on the image of man.  Not only that but he came without reputation.  He dwelt among us and yet even those who SAW Him denied Him.  I will not deny my Father, nor keep His reputation quiet.  He is the author of my life, the designer of my physical being, the lover of my soul, and I am made WHOLE because of Jesus' atonement on the cross. He died and rose again so that I can go to heaven - that's good news enough!  I get to go to heaven and be with Him forever!
Challenging myself to "make disciples" today and everyday.
"Oh God be my everything, be my delight. Jesus my glory, my soul satisfied!"

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