Saturday, April 2, 2011

Summer Wedding Look Book!

This post goes out to a dear friend of mine who recently got engaged!  Congrats yay yay! Needless to say I am so excited for her and her soon to be hubs!  My husband and I are so happy for the two of them and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for them!  They are very special to the us and we can't wait to be best married buds!  Anyways, back to the point. I created this little look book to help the bride-to-be cooking in the idea department. Because she is currently located in another state this was the easiet way to do so!  She and I have been emailing ideas and thoughts back and forth so I just decided instead of attaching like a gazillion adorable photographs, I would just post a little blog for her.  Now, dear friend, these are just ideas.  I tried to look for outdoor wedding with the colors you any other picture I thought were completely fantastic/adorable/cute/sweet/etc... haha.  But you pick whatever you want, I just had fun putting this post together for you! Much love girly!!!! Oh and did I mention I love weddings? If I could do anything I would totally design weddings as a business. Without further ado.............




Comments, concerns, adoration? Anyone, anyone?


Lindsay said...

lots of good inspiration for the bride-to-be here!!

Kendra said...

thanks Lindsay!